Lawgis – Attorney Union

We deliver full range of legal service in IT, finance, securities, capital markets, dispute resolution, corporate matters and antimonopoly affairs.

Why Lawgis?

We offer professional legal service perfectly tailored for the specific needs of your business!

Expertise and Reliability

Reliability is one of our core principles sourced from fifteen-years’ experience in public and private sectors.


Our approach is to deliver the most efficient solution.

Comprehensiveness and Punctuality

Our service is always a result of a comprehensive exercise. It is done timely to save this precious resource.

Ethics and Privacy

We employ the highest ethical and confidentiality standards. This is the core of our fiduciary approach.

Reasonable Pricing

Our fees are always reasonable in terms of the scope and quality of service we deliver.


When delivering a solution we never hide behind the dogmas.

The matter seems to be complicated?

The solution is not always obvious, but it surely exists! Place an inquiry, we would be happy to assist!